
Monday, 8 October 2012

Complaints about Laser Hair Removal Treatments Gone Wrong

In 2010, the Government deregulated the use of lasers, so the majority of clinics and  beauticians offering laser hair removal treatments are no longer subject to oversight from the Care Quality Commission. This means that only a fifth of laser hair removal operators in the UK are licensed, so as you can imagine, there has been a considerable increase in the amount of errors and injuries caused since the deregulation.

Determining a Person’s Suitability for Laser Hair Removal 
ith so many different types of laser hair removal offered at beauty salons and clinics, it is understandable that customers do not fully understand the treatment they are intending to undergo. They then have to rely on the professionalism and skill of the practitioner and laser operator.

Each person should be given a consultation and a check of their medical history to make sure they are a suitable candidate for this treatment. Many laser procedures are not suitable for those with darker, tanned or olive skin for example, as the pigment in the skin can be destroyed by the laser beams along with the hair follicles. This then leaves patches of discolouration on the skin and extreme sensitivity to sunlight.

Burns Injuries from Laser Hair Removal 

The laser beam can cause sever burns to the skin, potentially causing scarring and permanent pigment damage. If your are burnt by laser hair removal, it is not only humiliating for people, in particular those with burns in visible areas of the face, but it can also be excruciating, with blisters and sores that can be very red and irritating. You should always report your burns to the clinic or salon before seeking medical assistance.

If A Complaint About Laser Hair Removal Does Not Work You Can Speak To A Specialist Solicitor

With moderate to severe injuries caused by poorly performed laser hair removal therefore, the victim is best advised to speak to a firm of solicitors offering no win no fee agreements, and specialising in the fast developing beauty and laser treatment industry in the UK. For more information visit this Beauty Treatment Website for more advice.


  1. I tried this kind of treatment before and good thing the result is not that bad. We should make it sure that the person doing this to us is professional enough and for me it is really important to read some reviews with regards to the company. Thanks.

  2. You need to get rid of the unwanted hair. In today's world you do not need to use razor or wax to remove hair. You can opt for Laser Hair Removal.

    1. What kind of Comment is that? Very poorly thought out. Laser is temporary and expensive..I tried it and so have many people I know and it didn't work or worked temporarily

  3. This is why i always advise to do some research about the clinic and the doctors before starting the process of laser hair removal, there are many cases where non professional doctors play with the lives of people only to fetch money from them.

  4. I like this laser procedure with less time my unwanted hairs will vanished. I'm also interested in any other hair removal with the use also of laser technology. This blog might also help visit great website for the great results.

  5. The post is showing complaints about laser hair removal.the post is useful post

  6. Just shows how important it is to do some research and find a clinic with good reputation before you do laser hair removal

  7. Hi Friend,

    Your blog is very informative and impresive regarding laser hair removal surgery.
    We are also providing hair removal surgery like laser hair removal Houston, laser resurfacing etc.

    Thank You.

  8. Thanks for the sharing your valuable tips and tricks about concord laser hair removal.

    Thank you so much again another new and update post.

  9. Laser Hair Removal is a common, quick and safe procedure. A variety of lasers have been FDA approved for hair reduction.

  10. I think Laser Hair Removal In Dubai is the best way to remove unwanted hair


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